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Launch of the revolutionary Bretta test B method for immunomagnetic purification of Brettanomyces coupled with flow cytometric analysis

Launch of the revolutionary Bretta test B method for immunomagnetic purification of Brettanomyces coupled with flow cytometric analysis

Bretta test B Amarok biotechnologies

You’ve already heard of the Bretta Test, the world’s only method for diagnosing the presence of Brettanomyces, counting them and confirming their metabolic activity in less than an hour, directly in the winery. Flow immuno-cytometry currently remains the only solution for visualizing what is really happening in the wine, since it does not modify the cells.

The wine matrix is complex to analyze. In addition to naturally fluorescent molecules, wine is alive! The microbial population present from must to bottling is multiple, variable and complex. Limiting it to the mere presence of saccharomyces and brettanomyces is an all-too-frequent simplification that is totally misguided. Capturing and isolating contaminating yeasts from the background of other populations and parasitic molecules is therefore a major challenge for their discrimination.

Logo Billes magnetiquesWe’re delighted to present a major advance in the field of oenology, our evolution around this test: the new method, Bretta test B, for the immuno-magnetic purification of Brettanomyces.

It uses specific antibodies that bind to the cell surface to isolate Brettanomyces from other micro-organisms present in the wine. The Brettanomyces cells are then captured by magnetic beads, enabling rapid and efficient separation.

Once the Brettanomyces have been isolated, we use flow cytometry to analyze their metabolic activity, under the same conditions as in the wine, in real time. This technique enables us to measure cell size, complexity and fluorescence, providing us with valuable information on their physiological state.

Thanks to this information, we can quickly determine the level of risk and take appropriate measures without falling into the over-cautious trap of systematic treatments, which are often unnecessary and costly. Add to this the fact that rapid response means we can immediately validate the effectiveness of the actions taken, guaranteeing the highest quality and consistency in wine production.

You now have a versatile tool for managing your winemaking.

We look forward to sharing the results of this revolutionary method with you.

Contact us for more information!

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