/ Research and development in biotechnologies

Another perspective to help your research projects grow

Boost your research potential!

Our R&D laboratory offers you access to cutting-edge technological resources and expert scientific and human skills.

/ Why relocate your R&D to Amarok Biotechnologies?

Saving time and accelerating development

The development cycle is accelerated through the use of available external material and human resources.

Advanced expertise

Relocation provides the opportunity to broaden the scope of skills, and to be able to collaborate with partners who are experts in the relevant research field.

Reducing the financial risk of innovation

Outsourcing provides access to cutting-edge devices and hardware without incurring the costs. .Our CIR and CII approvals allow companies to benefit from a tax credit calculated on their eligible R&D expenses.

Improved project efficiency

Transferring the technical aspects of its research to external experts allows it to focus on its key skills.

/ Our areas of intervention

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/ Services from our research and development center

Always attentive to the needs of its customers, Amarok Biotechnologies offers tailor-made services to specifically meet the R&D requirements of companies.

Laboratory Services

Provision of technical platforms for various biological analyzes (conventional biology, molecular biology, flow cytometry, microbiology) and global R&D laboratory services.

In vitro diagnostics

Development of in vitro diagnostic tools and transfer of related technologies.

Project and partnership management

Offer of services ranging from the state of the art, to the search for partners, including the identification of needs, feasibility study, project structuring and management of multidisciplinary teams.

Consulting and strategy

Opinions and advice on the direction of all R&D.

/ Outsourcing your R&D in 3 steps

1. Your challenges

  • A biological action to highlight
  • A referenced technique to adapt
  • A test to design, validate and market
  • Cross-functional projects that require coordination between different disciplines.

2. Our solutions

Our teams of engineers, consultants and technicians are at your disposal. They are keen to take another look at your projects to provide you with appropriate and reliable answers.

3. A lasting partnership between Amarok and you

We engage with our partners in authentic support that is long-term and respects confidentiality, security, and adaptability.

/ Our certifications and approvals

Laboratoire IVDR - ISO 17025

/ The success stories of our research and development in biotechnology

An antibody for the immunodetection of Brettanomyces yeast which contaminates red wines to meet the expectations of the wine sector. The result is an essential and unique tool on a global level!

Immunomagnetic separation methods

Use of a flow and image cytometer combined with artificial intelligence to create a yeast identification model.

Contact us

Would you like to request a quote or discuss your projects?


What is R&D outsourcing?

R&D outsourcing is a strategy by which a company entrusts certain of its activities to an external organization, possessing the necessary expertise in the field concerned. It allows access to innovations and specialized skills without having to develop these capabilities internally. This can play a very positive role in maintaining competitiveness in research and development and be a powerful lever for business growth.

What are the advantages of outsourcing R&D?

Delegating part of a company’s research and development to specialized third parties can offer many advantages:

  • Access to advanced skills that the company does not have internally.
  • Cost control by saving on investment in equipment and highly qualified personnel.
  • Flexibility, allowing research efforts to be quickly adjusted according to market needs, while limiting the constraints of internal resource management.
  • Acceleration of the development of new products as well as their marketing.
  • Management of financial risks linked to innovation.
How to outsource your R&D?

Here is how to successfully outsource your R&D:

  1. Define your needs exhaustively (equipment, specific skills and expertise that are missing), as well as your objectives (expected results, deadlines, budget, etc.).
  2. Identify the right external partner (reputation, experience, certifications, etc.)
  3. Specify all elements of the collaboration in the outsourcing contract (details, costs, project scope, deliverables, timelines, budget, payment terms, confidentiality, property rights, etc.).
  4. Communicate clearly and establish a project plan that includes all stages and regular monitoring of the progress of the project.
  5. Build a relationship of trust and listening with the research partner.
  6. Focus on your core business to benefit doubly from the outsourcing of R&D.
What is the CIR?
The CIR (Research Tax Credit) is public aid for R&D intended for companies in the European Union or the European Economic Area. It aims to support 3 types of activities:
  • fundamental research;
  • applied research;
  • experimental development.
The CIR makes it possible to cover 30% of R&D expenses up to a ceiling of 100 million euros. Beyond this ceiling, the rate applicable to additional expenses is 5%.
What is the CII?

The CII (Innovation Tax Credit) is an extension of the research tax credit (CIR). This tax system is dedicated to financing activities linked to the design of prototypes or the implementation of pilot installations for new products.

The CII rate is 30% of expenses linked to innovation and is capped at 400,000 euros per year.