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Performance evaluation of the thrombophilia hemostasis test panel on the sthemO 301 analyzer

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Find out how we demonstrate the ability of Stago's sthemO 301 analyzer to measure thrombosis risk via the hemostasis test panel.

Thrombophilia is a predisposition — congenital or acquired — to form blood clots, which carries a risk of thrombosis. Exploration of the causes of a venous thromboembolism event (VTE) combines a clinical examination and a hemostasis assessment including the thrombophilia test panel of the coagulation bench.

Our study

Amarok Biotechnologies evaluated the analytical performance of the Stago sthemO 301 automated system for the hemostasis test panel. The work focused on specific reagents, from the same brand, and followed CLSI guidelines to test:

  • limit of detection (LoD);
  • the limit of quantification (LoQ);
  • linearity of the method;
  • analysis on a single site.

Effectiveness of the sthemO 301 analyzer for thrombophilia testing

The study demonstrates good performance of the sthemO AT L, sthemO PS clot, sthemO Free PS L, sthemO PC chrom and sthemO PC clot M tests on the sthemO 301 analyzer. Quantitative measurement of coagulation inhibitors in human citrated plasma proves effective, thus validating the ability of the tests on the machine to assess the risks of thrombophilia.

Once the screening and confirmation tests for the presence of LA/APA are available, our laboratory will be able to complete the validation of the panel for thrombophilia.

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Performance evaluation of the thrombophilia hemostasis test panel on the sthemO 301 analyzer

Thrombophilia is a predisposition — congenital or acquired — to form blood clots, which carries a risk of thrombosis.


Evaluation of the accuracy of sthemO routine test performance on the sthemO 301 analyzer


Evaluation of analytical performance of the sthemO DDi M assay on the sthemO 301 analyzer

D-dimers (DDi) arise from the degradation of fibrin by plasmin. Precise measurement of their levels is essential for managing the risk of venous thromboembolism in ambulatory patients or in monitoring disseminated intravascular coagulation.

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